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Nominations & Local Elections for CDC Chenega Local 717
United Federation LEOS-PBA Law Enforcement Officers Security & Police Benevolent Association


Section 2. Each National Union, Local Union, Division, and/or Affiliate shall have a minimum of at least three (3) elected officers and a maximum of eight (8) elected officers. The following Executive Officers shall be established: President, Executive Vice President, Vice Presidents, Recording Secretary, Financial Secretary-Treasurer, and one (1) to three (3) Trustees.


The term of office shall be for three (3) years.


Eligibility to Run For Officer


(a) Every member in good standing shall be entitled to vote in all Union elections.



Section 4. “Member” and “membership” in good standing shall mean one who pays all lawful dues, initiation fees and who has not had his membership status affected pursuant to Article XIV and for nomination purposes has fulfilled the requirements of Article XVIII Section 4.


If you’re not a dues paying member at this time and you would like to seek office and/or vote in this election you must first become a dues paying member in good standing in accordance with Article VI Membership. Which means you must sign a dues checkoff card to be eligible to either nominate yourself, run for office or vote in this Local Union election and pay all of your back dues plus an initiation fee.


At this time we are opening nominations for the following positions:

President__________________________________ One Position

Executive Vice President______________________ One Position

Vice Presidents______________________________ One (1) to three (3) positions

Recording Secretary__________________________ One Position

Financial Secretary-Treasurer__________________ One Position

Trustee_______________________________One (1) to three (3) Trustees.


Please note: The Trustee position will be limited to one (1) position if all of the other positions maximize.

Hector Fajardo, Calvin Wells, and Milton Bratton has been appointed to act as your election committee.


Notice of nomination form has already been be posted on our website @  and also sent by email to all officers on 8/12/2023.


Anyone seeking the nomination of such positions as noted above can do so by visiting our website @  and completing our online form.


PLEASE NOTE: YOU CAN ONLY RUN FOR ONE OFFICE WITHIN YOUR LOCAL. Nominations will be open on Monday August 14th 2023,

until Monday August 28th 2023. Should a number of officers seek the same position other than Vice Presidents and Trustees then an online election will be held starting on Monday September 4th 2023 through the close of business 5PM on  Friday September 8th. Should there be no opposition the results will be posted after the nominations close on Monday August 28th 2023 on the Union website as well as emailed to each members current email on file and the swearing in of officers will take place shortly after.



If you have any questions please contact any of our full-time  United Federation LEO-PBA representatives  Milton Bratton @ 540-446-4956, Hector Fajardo @ 718-313-2430, Calvin Wells @ 516-530-0999 or Brikener Jean-Giles (Brother B) @ 347-595-5422, Steve Maritas 202-486-8558, anytime or myself Charles Chip Strebeck @ 908-413-3285.


Charles Chip Strebeck

United Federation LEOS-PBA President

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